Conference League. "Olympia vs Polissya - 2: 0, after the match. Ashur: "We made it difficult for ourselves in this duel, which

Head coach of Polissia Imad Ashour commented on the defeat of Olimpia in the first match of the Conference League qualifiers.

Imad Ashour. Photo:

"It was a very difficult match for both teams. We all saw that there were not so many obvious moments and episodes, but we still created certain chances both at one and the other goal.

I think we have something to demand from ourselves, we have also just heard these words from the players. In my opinion, we have complicated this duel for ourselves, which is still not lost, it is still half over. We made it difficult for ourselves, especially with the second goal and the events that led up to it. We understand that it happened because of a great desire to reverse this result.

Was it something we could have done? I think everyone saw that there were opportunities, there were chances. We must now soberly identify the main points, the main problems we had today. And work in silence, work hard, with demands on ourselves, preparing to continue this confrontation," Ashur was quoted as saying by the official website of Polissya.

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  • Андрей Андреев(Petter5650) - Наставник
    26.07.2024 12:21
    Я вот одного не пойму. Есть владелец клуба, чел который чего то достиг в бизнесе. Строит футбольный клуб . У него работает , может не самый звездный , но вполне себе проф тренер-Калитка. Команда чего то достигает в УПЛ. Происходит срыв, что вполне обьяснимо в первый сезон.
    И вот в клуб заходит бригада шулеров, ГТ ставят ноунейма, приезжают 4какие то аферисты импортного разлива, мутняки с трансферами и понеслась...
    Ну вот как им это удается ?
    Причем повсеместно.
    Полисся- Калитку на Ашура ( кто это !!! )
    Карпаты- Маркевича на Лупашко.. Но тут хоть реально пришли люди которые чего то шарят в футболе и где то чего то сделали...
    Ну и вопрос- дотянет Ашур до конца первого тура ??
    С моей тз, игра- мрак...Точнее полное ее отсутствие .
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