Metalist 1925 President Nosov: "For the first time in the history of Ukrainian football, the UAF team came and made a bold decis

Metalist 1925 president Volodymyr Nosov expressed his opinion on the UAF's decision to hold the Tournament of Four, which will determine the winner of the elite division of the Ukrainian championship instead of Dnipro-1.

Vladimir Nosov

"In today's realities, Ukrainian clubs must be flexible. Despite atypical situations. This is what happened with the decision of the new team of the Ukrainian Football Association to hold a transition tournament for the opportunity to replace Dnipro-1 in the UPL.

On the eve of the semifinals, I express my respect to all participants in the Tournament of Four. The team Minaj, the team Livyi Bereh - our friends who allowed us to play at their stadium, and, of course, the team Epicenter.

For the first time in the long history of Ukrainian football, the UAF team came and made a bold decision, given the lack of a single regulation in the current situation. I believe it is fair and equitable to all teams worthy of competing for a place in the Premier League.

This is about the embodiment of the main sports principle - competition. And about the true nature of football - a game on the field that will determine the strongest. I am glad that this step will also become an additional football holiday for fans on the eve of the start of the season.

I wish SC Dnipro-1 to return to the UPL with renewed vigor. And I wish all the teams to enjoy the game!" the press service of Metalist 1925 quoted Nosov as saying.
