"Tournament of Four for the right to play in the UPL. Match results: "Metalist 1925 and Epicenter drop out, Skrypnyk resigns

Today, on July 26, the semifinal matches of the Tournament of Four took place. It is intended to determine the team that will replace Dnipro-1 in the elite of the Ukrainian championship among the First League clubs.

Photo: metalist1925.com

"Tournament of Four. Semifinals

"Left Bank-Metalist 1925- 1 : 1(5: 4, penalties)

Goals: Wojciechowski (45) - Kravets (90+4).

"Epicenter-Minaj- 3:3 (4:5, penalties)

Goals: Myroniuk (12), Bender (66), Kravchuk (77) - Vakula (19), Prykhna (57), Remenyak (87).

It will be recalled that the final of the mini-tournament, which will determine the future UPL participant, will take place on July 30.

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  • FC_DK_2022 Д - Наставник
    26.07.2024 20:40
    Гравці Епіцентру два голи забили самі собі з помилок...Треба було тому дурню Миронюку пригати прямою ногою? Явно підвів команду ( вилучення + пропущений гол).. Думаю, якби Епіцентр пройшов Минай то вони б і грали в УПЛ.
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