Yuriy Vernydub on his participation in the war: "It was my choice. I think I had a good upbringing"

Kryvbas head coach Yuriy Vernydub told The Guardian about his participation in the war with Russia.

Yuriy Vernydub

"It was my choice. I think I had a good upbringing. "Sheriff was supposed to play Braga in the Europa League when my son called me and told me what had happened. After the game, I went to my hometown of Zaporizhzhia and started defending my homeland. Yes, I was 56 years old at the time, but there were many people like me there. The average age in our unit was about 48.

I was responsible for ammunition supply in the Dnipro region. The Russians had advanced, and our goal was to stop them. When we completed our mission, we withdrew and the infantry took our place. This is how it went on for 3.5 months, until June 2022," Vernydub said.
