Tsygankov has no offers yet from the APL, where he wants to move to

Ukrainian midfielder of Spanish "Girona" Viktor Tsygankov has no substantive options yet to realize his intention to continue his career in the English Premier League, said a well-known Ukrainian TV commentator.

Viktor Tsygankov

"A specific offer from the APL Tsygankov does not yet have. One that would suit both "Girona" and the footballer himself. But the agents are working on it. Tsygankov really wants to move to England and is waiting for a serious offer," - said Tsyganik on the air of his author's program.

Recall, according to media reports, the interest in Tsygankov show five representatives of the APL - "Arsenal", "Aston Villa", "Newcastle", "Tottenham" and "Wolverhampton". In addition, the Ukrainian is in the focus of attention of the selectors of Bayern Munich and Italian Milan.

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  • Vas51 ° - Наставник
    30.07.2024 11:39
    Вітя мовчки тренерується з Жироною та готується до Ла Ліги 2024/25.
    Ні одного разу не чув та не читав, від нього, про те, куди він переходить і в яку команду.
    Це, самі "істочнікі" починають "гнать волну", щоб "взбудоражить" вболівальників.

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