Volodymyr Sharan: "The main thing is to avoid penalties"

Volodymyr Sharan, a former player of the Ukrainian national team, shared his expectations for the third and final match of the Ukrainian Olympic team in the group tournament of the 2024 Olympics against Argentina:

Vladimir Sharan. Photo by Yuriy Yuriev

"Of course, we will all be rooting for and worrying about the Ukrainian Olympic team. After all, in this tournament, our team showed quite decent football at times, especially in the first half against the Moroccans. I also saw the game of Argentina, which is considered a favorite in today's match.

Of course, in the pursuit of victory, it will be difficult for our players to counteract this team. But there is always a chance, and we must believe in it. What does the Ukrainian team lack? Our guys do everything right, both tactically and technically. We have control of the ball, but we lack sharp passes in the final stages. In my opinion, we also lack more power struggle - what I saw in the match with Morocco. Still, the Moroccans were better than our players in the power struggle. And when they increased their speed, despite the fact that it was very difficult, they managed to hold on and score the winning goal.

From what I saw, I can say that Argentina also plays in this style. In the second half of the match against the Moroccans, the Argentine team turned on the maximum speed and created many opportunities to equalize. They scored one goal and could have scored more. But, unfortunately, the Argentines lost that match. And yet, I will not reveal America if I say that Argentina is stronger than Morocco. Anyway, let's wait, hope and believe that everything will be fine for the Ukrainian national team. Anything can happen in football. The main thing is that there is no penalty. We are rooting for Ukraine," said Sharan.

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