Oleg Fedorchuk: "Our Olympians in France missed Zabarnyi"

Ukraine's Olympic football team finished third in its group at the 2024 Games in France and was forced to withdraw. Famous football player, coach, and now an authoritative expert Oleg Fedorchuk assessed the performance of Ruslan Rotan's team in France:

Oleg Fedorchuk

- I believe that the Ukrainian Olympic team did not jump over its head, but it did not fail the tournament either. To be precise, it performed at its level.

- But our Olympians were tasked with getting out of the group.

- If we take into account the teams in our group, the class of the Argentines and Moroccans was higher. They made it through fairly.

- Speaking of the participants of the Games, why, unlike the main competitors, Ruslan Rotan's team did not have the best players?

- I think there were shortcomings at all levels, from the management of the clubs, the UPL and the UAF.

- And if, instead of Rotan, the Spaniard Melgosa had been at the helm, would the personnel situation have been different?

- We can discuss this topic for a long time. But we have what we have. It is possible that the appearance of Manchester City's Alvarez in the Argentine national team and PSG's Hakimi in the Moroccan team was influenced by the authority of the managers who contacted the club coaches and they agreed to let their "stars" go.

Although, as for me, our Olympians lacked only the "Englishman" Zabarnyi the most. Still, our stops in France were not without fault. The same Sudakov, Bondarenko, Mudryk were not in optimal condition.

I am convinced that those players who were entrusted with the right to play in France did not disappoint.

The coach of the national team of Ukraine Serhii Rebrov can safely count on some of them in the near future.

- Who do you mean?

- Goalkeeper Fesyun, defender Krupsky, midfielders Kryskiv and Mykhaylenko. I also believe that the coaching staff led by Ruslan Rotan coped with their duties.

Although in the final match against the Argentines, he should have started Krasnopir, who was improving with each game, rather than the passive Sikan. By the way, it was possible to try the option with two strikers at the end of the match, when there was still a chance to escape with the score - 0: 1.

- Then finally, would you rate the performance of the Ukrainian Olympians on a five-point system?

- I would give them three plus or four minus. As you like.

Oleg Didukh

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    31.07.2024 15:56
    Четыре с минусом лучше. За 4- мама могла дать на кино и морожку, а за 3+ от папы можно было выхватить подзатыльник...
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