UAF opens proceedings against Mudryk (DOCUMENT)

Oleksiy Alyokhin, the former agent of Chelsea midfielder Mykhailo Mudryk, has filed a complaint with the UAF demanding the recovery of funds for failure to fulfill the intermediary agreement concluded with the player on January 5, 2023. This was reported by commentator Igor Tsyganik.

Mykhailo Mudryk. Photo: Getty Images

According to the source, the UAF Dispute Resolution Chamber has now opened proceedings against Mudryk. The Ukrainian has 10 days to settle the dispute or submit his own objections to the case - with substantial evidence and documents.

Earlier, Mudryk officially announced that he had become a client of Vadym Shabliy's agency company.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    27.08.2024 15:47
    "Палата з вирішення спорів - головний юрисдикційний орган УАФ. Має повноваження вирішення спорів між клубами та клубами і футболістами стосовно питань компенсацій, контрактних зобов'язань тощо". Читайте документи УАФ.
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