Karpaty's press office: "Our sincere condolences to the families and friends of those whose lives were taken by Russia. We will

The press service of the Carpathians responded to another terrorist act of the Russian army - today, September 4, Russia launched a missile attack on the center of Lviv.

"At least seven lives were cut short in Lviv today as a result of a missile attack by the terrorist country of Russia. Residential buildings, educational institutions: the terrorist country has no morals, but only a goal - the destruction of Ukrainians and Ukraine.

Today - Lviv, yesterday - Poltava, every day - Kharkiv, Sumy and cities along the entire front line. Ukraine continues to fight against pure evil and everyone should be involved in this fight: morally, financially and physically. It is through unity that we have survived, and only united can we continue the fight.

My sincere condolences to the families and friends of those whose lives were taken by Russia. We will not forget, we will not forgive, we will win," reads the post on the official telegram channel of the Karpaty.

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