Coach of goalkeepers of the national team of Ukraine Rustam Hudjamov shared his thoughts on the match of the 1st round of the Nations League against Albania (1:2), which was held yesterday in Prague.
- How would you evaluate today's game of the team?
- What is there to evaluate? It is difficult when you lose. Of course, it is difficult to evaluate, perhaps it is not in my competence to give such a detailed comment on the team's game.
- How do you evaluate the game of the goalkeeper Anatoly Trubin?
- The situation is such that I, as a coach, always notice the nuances. I can`t say anything bad about his game today.
At every training session and in every match there are moments that we need to work with and improve.
- What do you think, what do you need to change, what do you need to add to achieve a positive result in the match with the Czech Republic?
- Trying. Nowadays soccer is almost the same everywhere. I think that effort and dedication are in the first place.
Футбол одинаков, только вот результаты отличаются. Потому что мастерство команд отличается. И не только мастерство игроков, но и тренеров. Именно ТШ отвечает за игру команды и результат. Изменений в игре команды после ЧЕ не видно ни в какой микроскоп. И это-"заслуга" ТШ во главе с Ребровым