Ihor Tsyhanyk: "I was one of those who were waiting for Rebrov's arrival. I was sure it would be a breakthrough. But it didn't t

Well-known commentator Igor Tsyganik spoke about the possible resignation of Serhiy Rebrov as head coach of the Ukrainian national team.

Ihor Tsyhanyk

"Is it possible that Rebrov will resign in case of failure? I don't want to talk about it. I heard the main story that Rebrov said. He said this: "If I feel that I can't give anything to this national team, I will leave myself and no contract will keep me." Each person has to make their own decision.

I am not a person who should ask for the result, like the head of the UAF Andriy Shevchenko. He has to do it. But on the other hand, Rebrov is the UAF vice president, and it turns out that he should evaluate his own work.

I will state what is now, and it is not very good. I have to admit that I was one of the main people who was waiting for Rebrov's arrival and was sure that it would be a breakthrough. But it didn't turn out that way at all," the FootballHub telegram channel quoted Tsyhanyk as saying.

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  • Vis Vis(vertolyk) - Эксперт
    10.09.2024 13:49
    Я на самому початку не радів його призначенню. Попри здобутки з Динамо, гра під його керівництвом була млявою. Контроль м'яча заради контролю, гравці не знають, що їм робити на полі. Згадайте як у матчі-відповіді проти Мансіті ми сиділи у захисті, хоча треба було відіграватись після домашніх 1:3. Потім Ребров сказав, що ми програли 1 тайм з 4-х. А ще домашня поразка в кубку від Олександрії (тоді формально ми були гостями). І Ребров сказав, що це ж ми в гостях грали. А потім невдало зіграли в Олександрії і вилетіли. По відмазкам Ребров просто король.
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