Ivan Getsko: "The current generation of our collections is one of the most talented"

Ivan Getsko, the author of the first goal in the history of the Ukrainian national team and now a football expert, shared his thoughts on the defeat of the Ukrainian national team in the second round of the Nations League by the Czech Republic 2:3.

Ivan Getsko

- In my opinion, one of the main reasons why we failed to save the game against the Czech Republic was that we made substitutions at the wrong time. After the break, the Czechs sat down, gave up the initiative, and started playing for the ball. And our coaches should have brought on fresh players a little earlier, at least 15 minutes. As it was, we simply didn't have enough time at the end to change anything.

And, of course, the starting lineup was a bit of a surprise. Yes, it is clear that the game with Albania was not impressive. But to change six players in the first team at once is, in my opinion, too much. This suggests that the coaches themselves still cannot decide on their preferences. It is clear that they know better which of the players is in the best condition today. But I have a feeling that in every match our coaching staff still can't guess the perfect combination. And as a result, some people come out for one game and don't perform, and others come out for the second game, and with the same result. Have you noticed that under Rebrov the national team always plays better in the second half than in the first? I think it's because the players just get used to each other before the break.

The most disappointing thing is that the current generation of our national teams is objectively one of the most talented and sought-after in Europe. Every player is a representative of a serious championship. But when they get together, there is no game. Why is this happening? Personally, I have no answer.

Of course, the national team's performance is not so hopeless. Both goals against the Czech Republic were very beautiful, after great combinations. But they are just like bright spots on a dark background. Why don't we play number one from the first minutes? Why do we have control of the ball in the center of the field just for the sake of control, without organizing attacks? And constant mistakes in defense are a topic for a separate conversation. Take the Czechs' first goal. Shaparenko interrupted the opponents' attack by intercepting the ball in his own penalty area. It would seem that the danger has been eliminated. He calmly kicked it to the corner and the moment was over! There will be time for everyone to go back and sort out the players. But no, for some reason he decided to leave the ball in play, and everyone saw what happened. And this was not the first time this happened.

- After the match against the Czech Republic, journalists asked Rebrov about his resignation for the first time. Does he already realize that the limit of trust is not unlimited?

- Of course, Rebrov missed something at some point. But I would not blame him for everything. We don't know what instructions he gives to the players before matches, what he requires of them. But the fact that the players do not fulfill these instructions, do not cope with the tasks is obvious. It is clear that the condition of all the players is not at the proper level. They constantly lack something. And in this situation, it is much more difficult to understand why this is happening, what exactly the national team lacks, than to simply make a coaching change. So let's wait - at least until the end of this Nations League. Maybe something will change. Hope dies last. Remember what Mykhailo Fomenko said: "There are always chances, even when there are none"?

Eduard Kinzersky
