Prices from Transfermarkt: Shaparenko overtakes Vanat, Brazhko overtakes Bushchan

The authoritative website Transfermarkt has updated its data on the Ukrainian Premier League, including the price tags of Dynamo Kyiv players.

Volodymyr Brazhko (photo:

There are now two of the most expensive players of the "white and blues": Mykola Shaparenko added a million in price compared to June and caught up with Vladislav Vanat (10 each). Next are Heorhii Bushchan and Volodymyr Brazhko (7 million each), with the Dynamo support adding two million in price. Vitaliy Buyalsky and Oleksandr Pikhalenok cost 5 million each, and Nazar Voloshin and Oleksandr Tymchyk cost 4 million each. It should be noted that three other Kyiv players have risen in price over the summer: Vladislav Kabaev, Eduardo Guerrero and Taras Mikhavko. Only one Dynamo player, Volodymyr Shepelev, lost in price.

The total cost of the capital's players is 82.2 million euros. In June, it was 69.4 million.

The club's website has been updated at >>>>
