"Dynamo may already be biting their elbows that they didn't buy Krasnopir from Obolon," Krasnopir's children's coach

Coach Oleksandr Sobkovych, who was one of the childhood coaches of Rukh Lviv forward Ihor Krasnopir, is surprised that Dynamo Kyiv did not claim the player when he played for Obolon Kyiv.

Ihor Krasnopir. Photo by E. Kravs

"When Rukh began to take a serious interest in Krasnopir, I was almost certain that Dynamo would join the fight for Ihor, because Kyiv's only normal striker was Vanat - and that was it! But they ended up buying Guerrero.

And yet I'm sure that Surkis and Shovkovsky will soon regret, and maybe even bite their elbows, that they did not buy Krasnopir from Obolon in this summer transfer window," Ukrainian Football quotes Sobkovych as saying .

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  • Jivago Doktor - Наставник
    15.09.2024 11:12
    Думаю покаже час хто саме буде кусати лікті! У нас уже давно так ведеться, що талановитої молоді багато, а на дорослому рівні - одиниці на 10 років! Хай у Краснопіра все складеться якгайкраще, хай досягає висот і добивається успіхів, але про "супернову" говорити ще дуже зарано!
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