Patrick van Leeuwen: "Metalist 1925 is growing as a team"

Head coach of Metalist 1925 Patrick van Leeuwen commented on his team's second consecutive victory in the first league, this time over Victoria (2-0).

Patrick van Leeuwen. Photo:

"We scored quickly, a good goal. A good play on the flank from Sten, and Yurchenko was where he was supposed to be. It's nice to see the players do what we've been working on in training. In the second half, we lost our game plan somewhere, there was no organization in our defense. We had a few good counterattacks that we should have used and disposed of the ball more accurately and scored the second goal earlier. We had a good attack, where we earned a penalty kick, which we converted. After that, it became clear that we would not lose the victory today.

We've been working together for less than a month, and they try to show their level every day. I haven't seen a single training session where they didn't demonstrate their level. At the same time, we are growing as a team, our coaching staff is doing everything to play even better. There are still certain moments when the opponent manages to seize the initiative, we have to remove this moment, we have to own the ball and control the game," van Leeuwen was quoted as saying by Metalist 1925's official website.
