"Respect to the Dynamo players who did not try to catch Seballos' tongue in his mouth, but politely waited for the doctors." - s

Sports doctor Dmytro Babeliuk spoke about the possible consequences of the horrific collision between Dynamo Kyiv defender Bryan Sebljos and Vorskla Poltava forward Denys Ndukwe in yesterday's postponed match of the teams in the 4th round of the Ukrainian championship.

Brian Seblioz on the lawn immediately after the collision. Photo by Yuriy Yuriev

"In such cases, the zygomatic bone, the bones of the orbit of the eye, as well as the nose and the deeper lattice bone are at risk.

Respect to the Dynamo players who did not try to catch Seballos' tongue in his mouth, but politely waited for the doctors. They also turned the player on his side to a safe position when they saw him breathing.

It is a good sign that the player left the field conscious, but it is not clear why on his own two feet. For safety's sake, he should have been taken away in an ambulance or stretcher.

Also, respect to Shovkovskyi, who immediately shouted "Substitute!", regardless of the player's condition. Even if he wanted to or could have continued, the player's safety after a concussion is paramount.

We will wait for the report on both players from the clubs, but in general, the progress in the actions of players and doctors has been astronomical in recent years, compared to the Kankava-Husev case," Babeliuk wrote on his telegram channel.

Earlier, there was unofficial information that Seballos had only been bruised.
