Georgy Sudakov: "Shit happens"

Shakhtar midfielder Georgiy Sudakov commented on the missed penalty in the Champions League match against Bologna in the first leg of the Champions League main stage (0-0):

Georgii Sudakov

"When the time and emotions have passed, I want to share my opinion on the recent events.

1. As they say, "shit happens".

2. The reality is that victory has its price. The price is hard work. Constant effort over a long period of time. How much effort? As much as is necessary for the result. You work and make your way forward.

3. How to replace negative thoughts with positive ones: "This too shall pass". "I've held on for a long time. The best is ahead of me." "One door has opened, another will open," Sudakov wrote on his Instagram page.

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  • Vas51 ° - Наставник
    22.09.2024 14:21
    Це Судаков точно сам сказав?... чи хтось йому написав, а він озвучив-))
    Філософ,... "однако"(с)
    • 4