"A fracture is the worst thing that can happen to a player in terms of injuries," - sports doctor about Ruslan Malinowski's inju

Sports doctor Dmytro Babeliuk commented on the successful surgery of Ukrainian midfielder Ruslan Malinowski of Italian club Genoa due to the injury he suffered in the Italian championship match with Venice (0:2).

"Genoa announced that Ruslan Malinowski underwent surgery and is now starting his recovery. I see that the Ukrainian media are actively discussing the fracture and whether it will affect his recovery.

It should be said here that with such injuries, a fracture is a frequent complication, although not a necessary one. But a fracture is the best thing that can happen to a player in terms of injuries. He restored the position of the fragments, fixed it, gave it a month to fuse up and then went back to the field.

In Ruslan's case, the main problem is dislocation, tearing of ligaments and interosseous aponeurosis. The objective of the surgery was to restore the integrity of the structures, and the task of rehabilitation will be to restore the function and stability of the joint.

Therefore, whether there is a fracture or not does not play a significant role in this story. The fracture in the bone was repaired during surgery, and then the axial load was limited and the bone will fuse up on its own. Instead, the work with the ligaments started from the first day and will continue for the next few months to try to reach the previous level of function. We wish Ruslan patience on this difficult journey!" Babeliuk wrote on Telegram.

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  • Олег Олег - Эксперт
    23.09.2024 10:30
    А каким образом мой коммент свидетельствует о демонстрации моей осведомлённости в вопросах лечения межкостного апоневроза, если не секрет?)))
    Мой ироничный тон вызван скепсисом в отношении сверхспособностей Бабелюка по дистанционному диагностированию, а теперь уже и выборе тактики лечения для пациента, которого он в глаза не видел. Помнится, недавно это светило в своём комментарии к травме Руслана полностью исключал перелом. Рентген, МРТ, результаты анализов и прочие формальности похоже ему не нужны.

    Спасибо за внимание!

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