Alexander Cheferin: "Who is complaining? Those who have the highest salaries and those clubs with 25 best players"

UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin has admitted that the season's match calendar is full to capacity, which is why the players are planning to go on strike.

Alexander Cheferin

"We must admit that the match calendar has reached its limit. At the same time, clubs and players react differently to this. Some of them are overloaded, while others have free windows. To be fair, I want to say that I stand by what I said two months ago - there is no more room for additional matches. But I want to add: who is complaining? Those with the highest salaries and those clubs with 25 best players. Those with lower salaries and clubs with only 11 players are not complaining. They love to play," Cheferin was quoted as saying by the BBC.

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  • Name Surname(stas.317) - Эксперт
    11.10.2024 17:35
    Так жалуются те, кто больше всего играет. Потому что игроки таких клубов выступают в еврокубках, в чемпионате, кубке и ездят играть за сборные. А игроки клубов попроще элементарно имеют меньшую нагрузку из-за отсутствия еврокубков и матчей за сборную страны
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