“Popov is out for at least 3-4 weeks,” - sports doctor

Sports doctor Dmitry Babeleuk, who gained prominence in Ukraine for issuing verdicts on footballers’ injuries based on television footage, shared his view on the nature of the injury sustained by Dynamo Kyiv defender Denys Popov in yesterday’s match of the 11th round of the Ukrainian Championship against Donetsk Shakhtar.

Denys Popov surrounded by Dynamo doctors leaves the field. Photo — Yu. Yuriev

“Denys Popov injured his ‘back’. We all know what these muscle injuries mean at the 15th minute of the game.

If the MRI confirms the injury, that means he will be out for at least 3-4 weeks.

It is still unclear why doctors freeze such injuries with sprays on the field instead of letting the player feel the injury and continue diagnosis in the locker room.

I don’t want to blame the player for such an injury, after all, there are many variables: the road, lack of proper recovery, etc. Nevertheless, a professional should do everything possible to avoid leaving the game due to an unprepared muscle injury at the start of the game,” Babeleuk wrote on his Telegram channel.

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  • Сергей Герасимов(vvs70) - Наставник
    28.10.2024 10:00
    лікарю 29 років, а він по відео ставить діагнози та критикує лікарів команд. Талановиті у нас люди. Країною керує артист, недонавчена лікарка була в комітеті по безпеці, міністр оборони в армії не служив і так далі, так далі. Може Леніну памятники повернути - він переконував, що кухарка зможе країною керувати. Ми перетворилися в країну "експертів", тільки не зрозуміло чому живемо погано.
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