“If you want to play in European cups and earn money — be ready for difficulties,” — vice president of “Kryvbas” on the logistic

The vice president of Kryvyi Rih’s “Kryvbas,” Artem Gagarin, shared his thoughts on the complex logistics of relocations for Ukrainian clubs participating in European cups.

Artem Gagarin

— Does your club take a principled stance on postponing matches or exchanging home games through European cups? Does this position remain as strict now that “Kryvbas” itself is in the European cups, while our clubs “Dynamo” and “Shakhtar” are suffering due to the harsh realities of today’s logistics?

— Your question brought a tear to my eye: poor “Shakhtar” and “Dynamo.” European cups are money, so they are definitely not poor. (Smiles).

As for logistics, let me give you one example. The game of “Shakhtar” against us was scheduled for Sunday (September 1 — ed. note). We had played in Seville prior to that, and our game ended on Friday according to Kyiv time. We slept for three hours, flew out, had a five-hour flight, arrived in Moldova, got on a bus and left. I almost forgot about the four hours at the border. In fact, the team arrived in Kryvyi Rih on Saturday and we had less than a day for recovery. Have you ever heard us complain? No!

As you know, we didn't finish the game against “Shakhtar” because of the rashists, but after that, we had a wonderful opportunity to do it on September 25. “Shakhtar” had a great schedule: one game on Sunday, then on Wednesday against us, two days later a third one, and then, on Saturday or Sunday, the next game. All these matches in Ukraine don’t require flying anywhere. Logistics are excellent. Matches in Lviv, Kryvyi Rih, and Rivne, all within the country. But no, due to their “tight schedule,” they postpone their matches against “Obolon” and “Veres” to Monday and Friday, making it impossible to hold the game on the 25th. So where is the fairness when they wanted to take us when we were “warmed up” after the European cups, but they are being cautious themselves?

All teams should be on equal footing. Want to play in Europe, earn money — be ready for difficulties, that’s normal. If a team playing in European cups subsequently goes into decline — that’s normal too. This gives other clubs a chance to enter European cups, feel it, gain experience. Maybe there will be a lucky draw, excellent preparation, and this will help them go further and earn money. Isn’t that development?

Or should we all work just to ensure that only two clubs are doing well? That’s not right. Everyone has the right to play on equal terms. What does a team below the fifth place need those “points for the coefficient table” for? What good are they? And if there were an opportunity to earn money — that would be much better.

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  • auto-aleks145
    Алекс Кучад - Эксперт
    01.11.2024 14:23
    Цей гагарін, як був клоуном, так ним і залишився, хоча має "великий портфель" - аж цілий віце- президент клубу.
    Включив свою "говорильну" і думає, що несе в маси розумні ідеї...

    Хочу нагадати цьому клоуну, що коефіцієнти в таблиці, , за якими грають "епізодично" такі клуби, як Кривбас, Ворскла, Зоря, Полісся та інші, на 90-95% складаються від гри двох клубів України в єврокубках, а це - Шахтар та Динамо.

    А ваші "успіхи" в єврокубках ми побачили зовсім недавно... ви, в цьому році, просрали все, в 4 іграх, не завоювали ні одного залікованого балу та й не потрапили ні в олин євротурнір!!!
    Тому сидів би та не варнякав...
    футбол це не сцена 95 квартала, де вийшов на неї та посмішив людей... в футболі тексти не зазубрюють... футбол це інше... ось зараз, відкрив своє "забрало" і всі побачили чого ти вартий...
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