Expert: "Ukrainian football emigration during the war has become an influential social phenomenon"

Expert Alex Velykykh assessed the scale of football emigration from Ukraine during the war.

Alex Velykykh

— Ukrainian football emigration during the war has become a forced and quite influential social phenomenon. Each story has its own character; however, most people did not anticipate such a situation in terms of changes in championships, countries, etc. Accordingly, some organized themselves more or less successfully, while others ended up relocating from country to country, as the conditions for living dictate their own rules of behavior.

The emergence of young Ukrainian players has become a phenomenon for many countries in Europe. For example, in Poland and Hungary, it has seriously strengthened local youth and junior football. For the top-5 countries in Europe, this phenomenon did not have such a massive effect on club football, but there were also vivid examples," said Velykykh.

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  • Сергеич 55 - Наставник
    13.11.2024 21:25
    Це не просто слова. В моей родині таких хлопців двое: два онука в однієй з команд Штутгарта... Мов би непогано, але і щирій радості немає
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