Sports doctor Dmitry Babeleuk, commenting on the information that the Ukrainian midfielder of London’s «Chelsea», Mykhailo Mudrik, failed a doping test and for this reason has not been included in Chelsea's squad for the last three matches, explained how this situation might develop.
«One would like to refrain from any conclusions until the information is officially confirmed, and it is reported what specific substance was found in Mudrik.
When taking urine for a doping test, the collected material is divided into two separate samples: A and B. This is done to protect the player's rights, as if sample A, which is mandatory to test, comes back positive, the player can request to test sample B for verification. If sample B also turns out to be positive, it confirms the player's violation of anti-doping rules. If sample B is negative, the case is closed.
In the event of confirming the player's violation of anti-doping rules, he faces a 4-year disqualification. In certain cases, if the player manages to prove his innocence, the ban period can be reduced to 2 years.
IMPORTANT RULE: the player is fully responsible for anything that may be found in his body, even if he had no conscious intention to take something prohibited.
We are waiting for official information, but this situation smells very bad,” wrote Babeleuk on his Telegram channel.
Не хочеться бажати нікому зла. Тим паче гравцеві Збірної України
Не хочеться бажати нікому зла. Тим паче гравцеві Збірної України
Але ящо це не помилка, а дійсність, то як можна жаліти людину, яка порушує правила? Всі працюють відповідно до своїх природних сил, а він вирішив всіх обдурити! Де спортивна честь? В днобасе загубилась?
Я розумію, що на нашому Сайті відношення до Мудрика неоднозначне, тому і хвиля буде в будь-якому випадку, пардон за тафталогію.
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