Hryhoriy Surkis congratulated Pavlo Yakovenko on his anniversary

Today, the famous player of Kyiv’s “Dynamo” from the 1980s, Pavlo Yakovenko, celebrates his 60th anniversary. The honoree was congratulated by honorary UEFA member Hryhoriy Surkis.

Pavlo Yakovenko

Dear Pavlo Oleksandrovych!

Please accept my warmest and sincerest congratulations on the occasion of your 60th anniversary!

Your figure embodies high achievements, dedication, and unwavering love for football. You belong to the league of legendary footballers who have become a symbol of the greatness of our beloved Game. Your achievements on the field are golden pages in the history of Ukrainian sports, and your example serves as a landmark for new generations.

Championship titles, cups, and triumphs on the European stage as part of Kyiv’s “Dynamo” will forever be etched in the memory of our fans. It is equally important that after your playing career, you became a true inspirer and mentor, who has always worked for the benefit of Ukrainian football and made a huge contribution to the formation and development of the domestic coaching school and ideas.

Dear friend! I wish you to continue reaching new heights in your work and to impress us with your relentless pursuit of improvement and boundless love for what you do. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you happiness, health, peace, and prosperity!

Hryhoriy Surkis

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