Five players of Shakhtar voted for themselves in the poll for the best player of the year...

The website «Zbirna» conducted its annual poll for the best player of the Ukrainian championship, a tradition that dates back to the newspaper «Komanda».

Today, the source reported how the players of Donetsk’s Shakhtar voted. It goes without saying that the overwhelming majority of the names mentioned by the «miners» are from the same Shakhtar. However, this year the Donetsk players outdid themselves: five players voted for... themselves, and two more put themselves in the top three.

We should add that according to the rules of the poll, it involves 15 players and the head coach of each UPL team.

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  • Смажелюк Василь - Наставник
    25.12.2024 19:49
    Це найкраща характеристика їхнього морально-етичного рівня.
    Це "команда", вірніше, група самозакоханих павлінів, в яких немає і не буде великого футбольного майбутнього.
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