The midfielder of Kyiv «Dynamo» Mykola Mykhailenko shared his impressions from the friendly match of his team against the Bulgarian «CSKA 1948» (4:1).

— Congratulations on your first crushing victory in this training camp! What impressions did this game leave?
— Of course, even though it’s a friendly match, victories always add confidence. I believe this is very important for preparation during training camps. We had many moments. It’s good that we converted many of them, although we could have scored even more. In my opinion, overall the game was successful.
— For the first time in this training camp, «Dynamo» played two matches in one day. Is this harder or, on the contrary, easier when players are divided into groups?
— This is done so that all players get the same workload. In the morning, one group of players played, and in the evening – another. There’s no problem with this; on the contrary, everyone is satisfied with their playing time.
— You’ve completed the first part of the training camp, having played five friendly matches, and ahead is the game against «Galatasaray». How would you summarize this part of the camp?
— I think we are working productively, but we always have room for improvement. So we will try to enhance our game and progress as quickly as possible.
— You turned out to be the best in the yo-yo test in the team. How did you prepare during the break, which helped you show such a result?
— All players are given a program, and everyone follows it. Perhaps this is genetically predisposed somewhere. Or it’s those who can endure longer who win. I don’t know. It turned out that I ran longer than everyone else… For me, this is a plus.
— Did you think you could last longer than everyone else?
— No, I never think about such things before tests. I only compete with myself – how long I can endure.
— What moment in this training camp has been the toughest for you so far?
— Probably the first games. It’s always the hardest because you are getting the workload. Due to the exhausting training, you can’t always make the right decisions on the field, so you have to run more.