The director of "Shakhtar," Dario Srna commented on the fact that his team lost to "Polesie" four times in a row.
«I simply didn’t expect that we would lose to "Polesie" for the fourth game in a row, at the last minute, without even scoring a goal. This is some kind of mysticism, not our team, let’s say. This is not the first time, not the second time, not the third time, but this is already the fourth time. This is already psychological pressure, and thank God we will not play against "Polesie" anymore this season. Because I had very high psychological pressure, considering that we are a team much stronger than "Polesie,"» cited Srna the official website of "Shakhtar."
Це мабуть витікає з того, що ви їм програли чотири рази поспіль. Де логіка, а де Срна? (Риторичне питання)
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