Kaladze responded to Shevchenko

As already reported, UAF President Andriy Shevchenko during his recent press conference, responding to a question about the pro-Russian Georgian politician Kaha Kaladze, with whom he played at Kyiv’s “Dynamo” and Italian “Milan”, said: “I do not communicate with Kaladze. I support our President. Kaladze does not exist for me.”.

Kaha Kaladze

Georgian media did not hesitate to approach Kaladze with a request to respond to such a remark, and he reacted as follows.

“Ukraine is currently in a difficult situation, undergoing trials. Shevchenko is grieving today. For me as a Georgian, it is unacceptable to engage in polemics with a person who is grieving.

I very much hope that this nightmare will soon end in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian people will be able to analyze correctly what has happened to them,” said Kaladze.

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  • Валерій Думанський(valerik) - Эксперт
    13.02.2025 21:18
    Що значить переживає випробування, що значить український народ зможе правильно проаналізувати, що з ним сталося. Наш народ захищаїть свою землю від загарбників.
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