A former Ukrainian football commentator is now broadcasting pro-Russian propaganda (SCREENS)

Well-known in the recent past Ukrainian football commentator and former host of the "Inter" channel Roman Kademin, who left the country at the beginning of the war, is appearing on air again, but "on the other side."

Roman Kademin

The relevant screenshots were shared by the well-known Ukrainian journalist Roman Bebekh on his Telegram channel.

“Once a sports journalist, Roman Kademin has become a puppet of the Kremlin. From Germany, he is broadcasting pro-Russian propaganda. Roman, why not flee the war to Kostroma, Omsk, Ufa? Why do you need Europe? I don’t understand these people,” wrote Bebekh.

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Best comment
  • Nox9 Нокс - Начинающий писатель
    15.03.2025 09:44
    Я не можу зрозуміти таких....
    Жило в Україні, отримувало кошти...
    Чому не виїхав на росію, а в Європу подався?
    На каналі інтер ще був один зрадник Кот (не пам'ятаю прізвище точно).
    • 4