Ekaterina Monzul: “The most important thing is to stop this war”

A well-known referee in Ukraine, Ekaterina Monzul, spoke on the topic of the war unleashed by Putin's Russia.

Ekaterina Monzul (center)

“No one expected this to happen in the 21st century. This is a difficult situation for every Ukrainian family, as you understand, because families are divided.

When the war started, at first no one could believe it. My family moved to my parents' house, and we lived in the basement of the house. We stayed there for five days.

In the end, I decided to leave Ukraine. Traveled by car with their two sisters and their three boys through Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic before arriving in Germany. It was tense and hard. When we left Ukraine, we had no idea what our next step would be.

My work at Women's Euro 2022? It is impossible to forget about the war. But when you enter the field, your mindset changes. This is a really important competition for me as a judge. Many people support me very much - after each call, I have the strength to continue, to be here and represent Ukraine. My goal, as always, is to do my job as professionally as possible.

And most importantly, stop this war. World peace is the most important thing. The world is now my main hope, ”Monzul is quoted as saying by the official website of UEFA.

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  • С. Каменяр(AHATOM) - Эксперт
    20.07.2022 08:23
    Це вона нічого не каже не наголошує про те, що саме касапи напали, і розбомбили її рідне місто Харків (через що вона жила в підвалі); чи це сайт УЄФА займається толерарастією і вирізає всі згадки про агресора та окупанта?
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