Shakhtar General Director Sergei Palkin commented on the appointment of Igor Jovicevich as the team's head coach.
- A lot has been said on the topic of Jovicevich's departure from Dnipro-1, but let's dot all the i's. How did it happen?
- They are trying to translate us into an emotional context: "You lured" and so on.
And how do you imagine the choice of a head coach at the club? Classic option: you come and say that there is the first option, the second and the third. We analyzed three options and chose this one. We made contact with all three potential options.
The first question is whether the coach wants to work with us. The second question is what is under the contract. Every coach, especially a foreigner, has his own lawyers. The coach's lawyer said that it is possible to sign a contract with Shakhtar. We sat down and signed. They in Dnipro-1 begin to say that he left according to the rules of FIFA 7. There was nothing to do with FIFA 7 at all. They don't even understand how it all works.
If there is an intention to leave under FIFA 7, then the player or coach must write a letter to the club from which he leaves, informing him that he is suspending the contract based on this rule. Only then will it work. Let Dnipro-1 show a paper that Jovicevich left under this FIFA article.
These are all emotions. And our coach can be invited somewhere. We had Fonseca, the training camp almost started, but Roma came out. Fonseca said he wanted to leave. Since we had a 3-year contract with him. I could not let him go. But I understand that if the coach’s heart is no longer here, then no matter how you persuade him and add money, his head is already there. In Dnepr-1, it seems to me, they should understand this moment.
- Can we say that now the matches with Dnipro-1 will be super important?
- I think Lucescu's transfer to Dynamo will remain in the background. Maybe that's more interesting.
война-войной,а кроты как были ..авнюками так и остались.
То функционерам Шахтера некогда будет заниматься футболом :).
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
Ну конечно же это "профессиональный спорт".... Только вот есть ещё и неформальная сторона вопроса и именно её мы обсуждали здесь всё это время (!!!) и именно здесь серёжапалкин просто всё свалил на йовичевича (его юриста). Дескать, я - не я и хата - не моя, мы просто обзванивали и искали тренера! )))) Кстати, не факт, что процедура применения "ФИФА7" выглядит именно так, как сказал слащаволицый алиментщик...)))....
И даже, если зажмурится и представить, что ржаво - грязные вели себя этично (я сам ржу от этой фразы!), то йовичевич уж точно - подонок, раздававший обещания Днепру-1, а в конце сбежавший в шахту.... Один из тех случаев, когда команда достойна своего тренера и наоборот...))))
Днепр "бумаг" не делает!
Обратитесь в АФУ к павелко - он, как Папандопуло( из известного фильма), напечатает вам любую "бумагу" и специально для вас!
война-войной,а кроты как были ..авнюками так и остались.