The concept of the stadium for... 1 million spectators was presented (PHOTO)

American installer Paul Pfeiffer presented his next work - the concept of a football stadium for one million spectators. The author called his "Vitruvian experiment".

The concept of the stadium for 1 million spectators

If we imagine that such a stadium will actually be built, then the distance from its uppermost rows to the football field will be about 500 meters, and the height of the structure will be about 300 meters.

We add that now the largest football arena in the world is the First of May stadium in Pyongyang (the capital of the DPRK), the stands of which can accommodate 150,000 spectators.

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  • Пате фон Карлович - Наставник
    02.08.2022 12:06
    По моему на самом маленьком дисплее смартфона и то будет лучше видно происходящее на поле
    • 6