Serhiy Nagornyak: “If we don’t start the Ukrainian championship, our football will die altogether”

The well-known Ukrainian coach Serhiy Nagornyak shared his thoughts on the next championship of Ukraine, which, despite the ongoing war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, should start on August 23.

Sergey Nagornyak

- Most of the legionnaires left Ukraine with the start of a full-scale war. Will it help young Ukrainians to open up in our championship?

— Of course, this is a positive factor. Many legionnaires, due to their low level, were not supposed to play in our championship. Yes, there were also high-class foreign players who strengthened the teams and next to whom our youth grew up.

But most of the legionnaires are "non-consumable". They came here just to be. Young Ukrainians will now have a chance. I have no doubt that many new players will shoot.

- Do you think it is expedient to hold the championship of Ukraine in the current situation?

- If we don't start the championship, our football will die altogether. Many guys have already left. If the championship does not start, everyone will disperse altogether. Well, at least the UPL teams have gathered, but there are big difficulties with the clubs of the First and Second Leagues. If we do not start the championship, then we will face a big failure.

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