Sergey Palkin: "Why is Russia still a member of FIFA?"

General Director of Shakhtar Donetsk Sergey Palkin said in an interview with the BBC that he did not agree that the World Football Federation (FIFA) was ignoring demands to exclude the terrorist country Russia from the ranks of the organization.

Sergey Palkin (photo: V. Rasner)

“If we look at Russia, they are doing well, they are playing for themselves, many are in the stadiums, everything is fine with them. It is strange to me that FIFA does not react in any way to this situation as a whole. Why is Russia still a FIFA member? Palkin told British journalists.

He added that none of the top bureaucrats raises the issue of excluding a terrorist country from FIFA.

“They destroyed everything, our country, they destroyed the lives of Ukrainians and also destroyed our Ukrainian football. [FIFA] needs to take one position or another. In this situation, it is impossible to play any game and not take positions," Palkin concluded.

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  • Валерий Сикорский(VTS) - Наставник
    28.08.2022 16:51
    Этот вопрос надо задать павелке. Почему за пол года он не сделал заявление перед ФИФА и УЕФА. В раше спокойно идёт чемпионат своим чередом, они даже хотят включить команды Крыма и лугондонов, а президент УАФ, как в рот воды набрал. Рашу выгнали почти из всех европейских структур, а вот УЕФА это не коснулось. Палкин занимает довольно активную позицию в отношении раши, а вот руководство футбола никак себя не проявляет.
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