Igor Linnik: "In response to the pressure from the UAF and the UPL, the clubs defended themselves through the courts from the en

Well-known journalist Igor Linnik commented on the decision of the presidents of five UPL clubs to initiate changes to the Law "On Physical Culture and Sports"

Igor Linnik

“In response to the pressure from the UAF and UPL, the clubs...

- through the court they defended themselves from the bondage telepool and hypothetical sanctions;

- through the Verkhovna Rada, they initiated a change in the law on sports;

- bill No. 7719 has already been registered in the Rada;

- the project provides for securing rights to the club, including on television broadcasts of its home matches;

— to be continued," Linnik wrote on his social Facebook page.

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  • s2r Дед - Эксперт
    02.09.2022 09:48
    "Продовження слідує" (?) Може досить вже калічити українську мову русизмами? "Далі буде", або хоча б "продовження буде"
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