In Turkey, the building of the football federation was shelled during a meeting of the leaders of the organization

An armed attack was made on the building of the Turkish Football Federation in Riva, Fotomac reports.

The incident occurred last Thursday during a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Federation. Fire was opened on the building. It is reported that five bullets hit the building. The attackers fled the scene in a car.

As a result of the shelling of the part of the building where the meeting was held and where the presidential floor is located, there were no casualties, but one of the bullets flew near the head of the former midfielder of the Turkish national team Hamit Altintop.

Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya said that a large-scale investigation into the incident had been launched. Now law enforcement officers are studying video from surveillance cameras.

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  • ROGER MILLA(V.S.O.P.) - Эксперт
    02.09.2022 10:40
    Павелко тепер в броніку і спати буде
    • 7