Dynamo President Igor Surkis told how he sees the end of the conflict in the telepool issue.
— How will it all end?
- It will end with our country winning, and we will have peace, I hope, in the near future. Everything will change in this life. Football will change. The sooner this happens, the better.
And about the fact that you are hinting at some kind of sanctions, I think that everything will end with some kind of peace treaty, if people have a mind. Everyone will go their own way. And when this terrible war is over, we will sit down at the table. Perhaps even the first persons of the clubs will sit down and we will come to something as wise people who have achieved something in this life.
I want to give an example of why I hated the Komsomol. Maybe it is asymmetric with respect to the telepool, nevertheless, I will bring it. They approached me at the end of each month and said that I had to hand over 2 kopecks. It irritated me terribly. And my dad, who lived to 101, wanted me to call him every day when I was away for a long time. I needed these 2 kopecks, but for some reason I had to give them to the Komsomol.
Then, in a chemistry lesson, I blew something up by mixing some kind of flask wrong, and I was expelled from the Komsomol. I was the happiest because I didn't have to pay those 2-penny dues. But it was not a matter of two kopecks. My parents gave me money. The point was that these "komsyuki" annoyed me as much as they annoy our country today.
Бо він перестав здавати по 2 копійки.
Чего в этой жизни добивался и добился ИМС? Работал в структурах старшего брата? Выиграл миллион в Монако? Тратил деньги Фирташа, Левочкина и Коломойского?
учетная запись этого пользователя была удалена
Бо він перестав здавати по 2 копійки.
"Где школьник их должен был брать, если он не работает? Искать на земле под магазинами?" Слава Богу, что обошлось угрозами и КГБ-ста в школу не пригласили :)
Та кадр сам типовий комса: не вірить капеесес (Х##йлу), але виконує програму його партії...
— Закончится тем, что наша страна победит, а у нас будет мир, надеюсь, в ближайшее время!
— А по поводу .......(телепула), то думаю, что все закончится каким-то мирным договором.....
но только после окончания войны.