"UP" denied its fake about Grigory Surkis

Ukrayinska Pravda, at the request of Hryhoriy Surkis, published a refutation of its own unreliable information about the people's deputy.

Grigory Surkis

Lawyer Dmitry Brif informed that on September 1, 2022, a publication was posted on the website of the UP online publication, in which, among other things, it was alleged that Grigory Surkis had allegedly not participated in the meetings of the Verkhovna Rada for almost 6 months.

As a result of the lawyer’s official correspondence with the UP editors, the provision of relevant documents depicting the real picture, the online publication was forced to publicly admit their mistake and reported that they had updated the publication by reference and added the following text:

“Our editorial office received an appeal from Hryhoriy Surkis with attached documents confirming that since February 23, 2022, he took part in 14 out of 21 meetings of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, during which presence was recorded and voting was held.

Grigory Surkis also refutes the information ... regarding the possible export of funds by members of the Surkis family. The documents that he sent state that not a single person who crossed the border with Igor and Grigory Surkis declared funds either at Ukrainian or Hungarian customs.”

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    18.09.2022 18:36
    Вооообще не фанат Суркисов (обоих), но это очень качественный плевок в павелко (и во многих истеричек здесь на сайте!)))...
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