Dmytro Babelyuk, Lviv's Rukh doctor, commented in his Telegram about an unpleasant incident in Germany with a football player from Chemi Leipzig.

"During the rainy weather, the player did not calculate the speed and ran into the wall next to the field. The football player could not protect the most important thing - his head. Immediately after the collision, obvious signs of a concussion appeared - loss of consciousness, tonic muscle tension, calling in certain positions, convulsions.
The brain at such moments stops working normally and sends many incomprehensible signals to the muscles. The body beckons, the muscles tense. The good thing about all this is that after a few seconds the brain "reboots". A person needs to be given time, protected from possible harm that he can inflict on himself and wait for the court to finish.
It is forbidden to shove fingers into the mouth, look for the tongue there, pour water or hit the face. Turn the victim on his side, fix and wait for the court to finish. Be healthy," Babelyuk wrote.