The well-known journalist Serhiy Tyshchenko talks about the near future of the leader of Dynamo Kyiv Viktor Tsygankov.
"Does Viktor Tsygankov have the right to leave Dynamo for free?" Legally, yes. Morally, no.
Tsygankov showed himself very well at the youth tournament in Moscow in 2012-2013, after which he did not play for a year due to injury. For the youth and youth teams of Dynamo, he also played very little for the same reason. Already in his professional career, injuries did not leave the talented player. "Dynamo" did not get rid of a problematic football player in his childhood (where no one knows yet whether he will play football at all), did not send him home to Vinnytsia, but treated him and put him on his feet (which is definitely not cheap). Probably, Danylo Lisovyi was the main hope of the team at that time.
Igor Surkis gave Tsygankov the largest contract in the team (now, probably the largest in the Ukrainian Premier League) in the region of 1.5-2 million euros per year.
Tsygankov's father worked (or still works) at the Dynamo Academy in Nivki as a goalkeeper coach. Did he get there for professional reasons? Name me at least one promising Dynamo goalkeeper in recent years, excluding Nescheret? In the spring, he went abroad with the team, although he has nothing to do with the first team.
As we can see, "Dynamo" made Viktor Tsygankov a dollar millionaire, gave him a chance for professional football, and employed his family. And what did they get in return? Only one championship of the 2020/2021 season. This is very little. The qualification for the 2020/2021 Champions League was actually completed without Tsygankov. They did not show anything in the two previous Champions Leagues. The current season is a crisis.
Why does Tsygankov not want to sign a new contract with Dynamo? It's very simple: no one will pay serious money for it. Ihor Surkis will not be sold cheaply, and no one will give much. The status of a free agent gives an opportunity to sign a contract with at least some serious club. This is precisely why the collaboration with Pep Guardiola's brother Pere began. Tsygankov's potential team is not risking anything. All costs will be deducted. If they don't play, they'll just sell it for 5-6 million and earn something else," Serhiy wrote on Facebook.
Від себе додам, що продовження контракту не принесе користі жодній із сторін. Суркіс отримає невмотивованого гравця, що буде "від'ємно прогресувати", а Циганков так і не отримає жодного цікавого досвіду.
ГЛАВА ШЕСТАЯ. А. С. Пушкин. Евгений Онегин
La sotto i giorni nubilosi e brevi, Nasce una gente a cui l'morir non dole. Petr.
Там, где дни облачны и кратки, родится племя, которому умирать не больно. Петрарка (итал.).
Опершись на плотину, Ленский
Давно нетерпеливо ждал;
Меж тем, механик деревенский,
Зарецкий жернов осуждал.
Идет Онегин с извиненьем.
«Но где же, — молвил с изумленьем
Зарецкий, — где ваш секундант?»
В дуэлях классик и педант,
Любил методу он из чувства,
И человека растянуть
Он позволял не как-нибудь,
Но в строгих правилах искусства,
По всем преданьям старины
(Что похвалить мы в нем должны).
«Мой секундант? — сказал Евгений, —
Вот он: мой друг, мосье Гийо.
Я не предвижу возражений
На представление мое:
Хоть человек он неизвестный,
Но уж конечно малый честный».
А. С. Пушкин. Евгений Онегин