UAF lawyer: "It was not a seizure of UAF funds, but a payment for Collina's services"

The lawyer in the UAF case, president of the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine, expert in sports law and arbitration Denys Bugai commented on the case currently being considered by the Pechersk Court.

Denys Bugai (photo:

— Today there was a meeting of the Pechersk Court. Unfortunately, the court did not listen to our arguments and made a decision on arrest with the possibility of bail. The deposit has already been paid. It is paid by the UAF. Legal procedures for payment confirmation are currently being completed. And we hope that soon Pavelko will appear in the UAF office and continue to perform his duties.

The investigation claims that there is a seizure of UAF funds. It is not true. The funds in question were payments for services rendered to UAF by the famous football referee Pierluigi Collina. They had all this evidence, but this evidence was not brought to court, but hidden. This criminal proceeding was investigated by NABU for more than three years, and the Prosecutor General's Office came to the conclusion a year ago that there were no signs of a crime on Pavelko's part, and handed the case over to the police. And so a year passed - and for some reason, without any further action, this suspicion was presented. In addition, there is a complete lack of expertise in the case, Bugai said.Ukrainian truth ".

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  • Сергей Красавчик(crasavchic) - Эксперт
    30.11.2022 08:28
    Обоссаться можно!!!))) Оказывается деньги общественной организации, которые собираются в стиле «с миру по нитке - нищему Фольксваген!»…, можно потратить по нецелевому назначению!!!!!!! Почитайте цели и задачи в уставе УАФ!!!!!! Сцуко, у них не было бабла на Сборы Сборной, на поддержку клубов во время войны!!!!! А на спасение каких-то грёбанных наёмных работников (я специально не перехожу на личности павелко и записоцкого, чтобы подчеркнуть цинизм и абсурдность сих «выкупов») и оплату их адвокатам, бабла - за гланды!!!! Акцентирую, оплачены УАФ предъявы не самой УАФ, а её таким должностным, но абсолютно именно физическим лицам!!!! Просто охреневшие скоты…. Ещё и этих членов «командымолодостинашей» (беланова, блохина, михайличенко и демьяненко) допозорили окончательно…))))
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