Well-known Ukrainian journalist Artem Frankov spoke about the scandalous story with the cat at the press conference of the Brazilian national team at the 2022 World Cup, which was rudely thrown from the table by the press officer of the Brazilian national team.

“The video that caused an incredible explosion of emotions is much cooler than rainbow bandages, other homo rights and 10,500+ workers who died in Qatar while building stadiums by hand. Let me speak to a person who has had from 8 to 25 cats and cats for the last ten years at home, and not to abstract empathizers a la “Why are you tyrannizing an animal”!
There is nothing special in the actions of the press officer of the Brazilian national team - he carefully took a stray cat of the Qatari yard breed and threw him off the table, reasonably assuming that no one had put a spear on the other side. It is impossible to harm a representative of a cat breed in this way. Another question is that he missed the opportunity to be known as a sweetheart if he caressed the cat and treated him to official beer) From a fool)))
Oh yes, he was obliged to kiss the cat under the tail beforehand... Well, sorry, not everyone is so cat-like.
Do you guys really have nothing else to do?!?!
Frankly speaking, the clinic.
Those who have never had cats, in general, have the conscience to remain silent! ”, Frankov wrote in his telegram channel.
cat incident:
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