Former Karpaty Lviv footballer Mykhailo Kopolovets remembered his former teammate, striker Lucas Perez, and explained why he failed to play for Dynamo Kyiv in 2013.

“Lukas stood out in Karpaty, but he could have shown himself even more if not for his simple character. He had conflicts with Fedetsky and Tlumak. Fedetsky could take him down hard in a tackle, but Lucas was offended, did not want to train later. There were many such moments.
Why didn't Lucas succeed in Dynamo? Blokhin is also a difficult person (Oleg Blokhin - the then head coach of Dynamo, - ed.). In my opinion, if a football player is taken to the team, then you need to find an approach to him. Lucas played in Karpaty and Spanish teams. He told me later that Blokhin was just crazy and didn't like him. It is clear that when a person with character came and Blokhin saw this, he did not want to twitch.
I think that this is Blokhin's problem in that he could not find a common language with Lucas. A coach should be a psychologist, talk to a football player, direct him in the right direction. I'm not saying that it was necessary to lick his ass, but understanding could be found. Talented people are all with character, ”Kopolovets quotes "Ukrainian football".