Telegram channel "TaToTake" told some details of the transfer of "Dynamo" forward Vladyslav Kulac to another club.

"Kulach will continue his career abroad. Agent Simon Balazh (Prostar company) announced on his Twitter the upcoming transfer of Vladyslav Kulac. We know for sure that this is not a club from the UPL.
According to "TaToTake", the top scorer of the 2020/21 season was considered as a reinforcement of "Zorya", "Vorskla" and "Olexandria". An obstacle for the first two clubs was the salary of the forward. At Dynamo, according to our data, he received approximately 300,000 euros per year. As for the managers of Alexandria, they did not want to repeat the experience of cooperation with a football player after an unsuccessful lease in the 2018/19 season," the report says.
We will remind that Vladyslav Kulach missed the first half of the season due to a foot fracture.