Commentator Viktor Vatsko expressed his opinion on the current state of the Ukrainian national team on the air of the "Vatsko on Air" YouTube channel.

"Petrakov has much better conditions in Armenia than in Ukraine. Regarding financial terms, according to Armenian sources, Petrakov will earn half a million dollars a year. But I take the other one - infrastructure. The national team of Armenia has a basis for the country's teams.
Base "Technical Center of the Football Federation of Armenia". Football Academy". It was built back in 2010 and has 11 fields, a fitness center, swimming pools, a hotel complex, tennis courts and futsal. And all this in the national team of Armenia.
And we have a lot of pathos. 100 vice-presidents, 200 clerks, punts about the level of the national teams of Germany and Spain. And in fact, the national team of Ukraine doesn't even have its own bus," said Vatsko.