"A picture of a herd of slaves and idiots", - Zuzulya about the "concert" of Russians in Luzhniki (VIDEO)

The former forward of Dynamo Kyiv and the national team of Ukraine Roman Zozulya spoke on the occasion of today's Russian concert in Moscow's Luzhniki.

"Well, I had a free minute, and I decided to scroll through the news a little in TG.

Of course, almost all channels wrote about the concert in Luzhniki. It is a time during the plague. Slaves were driven to the stadium, they were given rags the color of the Russian flag.

"Happy" faces. Shouting. Applause. The old marasmatic entered the stage. Said his wet fantasies and drove home.

And then...

Out came a freak they call an "angel" and a bunch of kids. And just watch the video... The girl didn't even remember what she had to say and how to "thank you" for saving the orc. Well, it's a circus.

Looking at the way the children hug this bastard, you can see that even they are ashamed.

And by the way, as soon as the Botox guy left, a video immediately appeared where everyone was already leaving the stadium. They must have been poorly fed or paid. Because the "concert" has just begun.

But they got their picture. A picture of a herd of slaves and idiots," Zozulya wrote on his Facebook page, adding the above video.

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  • Eugene Smart(eugene01) - Наставник
    23.02.2023 03:37
    До болі знайоме видовище. Щось схоже я колись бачив...А згадав - кадри з німецького міста Нюрнберга, де бісноватий фюрер проводив свої масові заходи. Саме там його поплічники й отримали по заслугах. Історична справедливість буде полягати, що суд над поплічниками росфюрера пройшов би в Лужниках. Сам же він не доживе до цього моменту.
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