Shakhtar midfielder: "I hope we have created a reason to be proud of us, the Ukrainian club".

Shakhtar midfielder Artem Bondarenko shared his thoughts after beating Rennes in the Europa League match.

Artem Bondarenko. Photo:

"I hope that today we created a reason to be proud of us, the Ukrainian club. I think it was very important.

You can score a penalty and you can not score - this is normal, this is the case. There were almost no emotions in the locker room, because everyone was devastated, there was nothing left.

We'll watch potential opponents tomorrow and wait for the draw", - said Bondarenko.

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  • Зеленка™ (со Стены) * - Эксперт
    24.02.2023 13:13
    Не расслышал, как точно звучит фамилия 18-летнего дебютанта Шахтера, который забил решающий пенальти: очень футбольная у него координация движений - надо взять на заметку.
    Следует признать, что селекционная служба Шахтера все эти годы работала не в пример лучше динамовской.
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