England fans - about the match Ukraine - "Brentford": "Southgate was not interested"

English fans mocked the Ukrainian national team, which played a test match with a double from "Brentford" in preparation for the match with the English national team. Local fans do not understand why the match was hidden and played behind closed doors, and how it can help Ukraine better prepare for England. Fans put forward many funny versions regarding the secrecy of the match with a double of not the strongest EPL club, which was also held in England. However, no one believes that this will in any way help Ukraine achieve a positive result.

Photo: Vertical.com

In addition, the victory over Italy made the English believe that they have no competitors in this group, because Ukraine is weaker than the Italians, and this means that it is much easier to play with them. It is interesting that already at night "Brentford" published a video review of the "secret" match with Ukraine, which took place behind closed doors.

Westbrook: I think that even if the match with the Brentford double was played near Gareth Southgate's house, he wouldn't be interested in going to see it. England is one of the best teams in the world, we play from a position of strength, and we don't think about who Ukraine will put on the field and how it will affect their game.

Hankin: England will win in Ukraine without any problems. I think it will be 4-0 or even 5-0. Therefore, they may think that they will surprise us with something, but in fact Southgate does not care what tactical surprises Ukraine will prepare. England is simply much stronger and will prove it.

Aitch: I didn't even think that nowadays anyone does that. Before the game with Italy, England published all the news: about the injured, someone in good or bad form, someone can start, and someone will remain in the reserve. The Netherlands shared information about the poisoning, although it could also catch up with the fog. At this time, Ukraine is playing with the double of "Brentford" and is trying to hide all the information. You don't even know if it's funny or sad.

Wayne: They say that in Ukraine a coach works three jobs. I wonder if he can't be offered a normal salary anywhere? Is there only one licensed coach in Ukraine, so he works for all his colleagues? Some kind of delusion. Heard about the combination of the club and the national team, but for the same person to coach another team? It's hard to imagine.

Keningale: I don't care who and how the Ukrainian national team plays, because it won't make it stronger. But the fact that they decided to play the game behind closed doors causes wild laughter. What are they trying to hide from us?

Fellowes: Who cares at all how Ukraine played with someone unknown? I would still understand if the Ukrainians played against Argentina or Brazil and won, then it would be interesting to watch. And yes... I don't think that Ukraine will be able to surprise England with anything.

TWW: Any reasonable person understands that the first two places will be occupied by England and Italy. At best, Ukraine will finish in third place. Anyone who has seen the Italy-England match will not ask too many questions. Our team has already practically guaranteed itself the first place. Italy can surprise, it happens, but I don't believe that they will let Ukraine advance.

Eoin: Ukraine's best player is Zinchenko, but he's a defensive player. Mudryk is a potentially strong player, but he has not yet adapted to Chelsea and is on the bench. Who else is there? A few years ago, Yarmolyuk or Yarmolenko played for West Ham. But he is even weaker than the Wise Man. It seems that Ukraine no longer has famous players.

Mell: England come to Italy and win there, effectively deciding in the first round who will be the main contenders for top spot in the group. At this time, Ukraine is holding some kind of secret match with the second team of "Brentford". Why am I so funny now?

Rowland: I think that no one in their right mind would watch this match with Brentford. But even if Southgate really wanted to see it, he would have found a way to send someone there to tell everything. In the extreme case, representatives of "Brentford" themselves would be happy to share with the coaching staff of England any information.

Enstone: If Ukraine lose by 2-3 goals this time, their new coaching staff will surely say that their secret match plan worked and they were able to surprise England.

Lolly: Ukrainians: we will play a very secret match so that no one will know anything, and then we will surprise everyone. After the match, Brentford players tell everything that happened on the field and how they played against Ukraine. This is the stupidest "secret" I've ever seen in my entire life in football.

Vivenot: All this will be especially funny after Ukraine loses with a difference of 5-6 goals. Although they could keep it a secret and tell their fans that they won and immediately topped the group. Let it be a lie, but it will please the coaching staff of Ukraine.

Baylis: Ukraine was not a very strong team before. Nowadays, something incomprehensible is happening to them. They say they couldn't even find a coach, so they asked a guy who already has two other jobs to work until the summer. I don't understand at the moment: they don't have any more coaches in the country because of the war, or are they all refusing to work for the national team for fear of a crushing loss to England? How to understand?

Greg: What do the national teams of Ukraine and North Korea have in common? They can tell their fans any information that cannot be verified. Ukraine could have won 20:0 in the Brentford double, and could have lost by the same score. I remember once the Koreans were telling their fans that their national team had won the World Cup. Is Ukraine moving in this direction?

Storeman: If I'm not mistaken, the last time we played Ukraine was at Euro 2020 and we won 4:0. This was our easiest match of the tournament. Since then, Ukraine has clearly not become stronger in terms of all their problems related to the war. So this time a 0:4 defeat will be a blessing for them.

Finlay: Ukraine came to London and played a "secret" match with "Brentford". Not in Madrid, Berlin or Paris, but in London. If you want to keep something a secret from the owner of the house, then you will not visit him to do something very secret. It is so absurd that it only makes you smile.

Wise: My little son will sometimes do something bad, and when I go to see what happened, he closes his eyes and thinks I can't see him. I don't want to offend anyone, so I'll just say that the logic of Ukrainians is about the same, at the level of a 2-3-year-old child.

Oates: It's all so ridiculous that now it even became interesting, what could Ukraine hide from journalists and why did it decide to hold the match behind closed doors? I understand that they must have some logic in such actions, but what? What can they achieve by this?

Snowflake: There is a funny anecdote on this topic. A woman walks into a bus with her little son, and the driver says: “Phew! This is the scariest child I've ever seen in my life." A woman approaches a passenger at the end of the bus and says: "Can you imagine, the driver just insulted me!" The man answers her: "It's terrible, go and tell him he shouldn't have done that, and I'll hold your monkey for now." The moral is this: you can be angry, resentful, or try to hide something, but it won't help you become better.

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  • Oleg USA(oleg_ca) - Наставник
    24.03.2023 21:49
    Разве не Врентфорд хотел играть за закрытыми дверями?
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