Roman Zozulya: "On a topic that is not customary to speak out loud..."

he former forward of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian national team, Roman Zozulya, who has been volunteering for a long time, has raised an "uncomfortable" topic on social media.

Roman Zozulya

"There are some topics that are not currently accepted to be spoken out loud, and this is probably one of them. Still, some situations are sometimes so disturbing that I can't keep silent.

Yesterday, my team, People's Army, delivered aid to the de-occupied territories of Donetsk region, in particular to the Sviatohirsk Lavra. Usually, after such trips, my posts are full of compassion, pain and maximum hatred for the enemy. But today, the emotion is different - anger and disgust seem to be towards "our own".

Some of the people who came for the humanitarian aid yesterday were outright Ukrainophobes who stubbornly pretended not to understand Ukrainian and did not even try to hide their contempt for our volunteers. At the same time, they were not ashamed to accept the aid. I emphasize, not all of them! But the percentage of those who were zombified is considerable.

Their minds are so full of uselessness that it seems they will perceive even phosphorus ammunition from the racists as holy rain. In their every conversation and look, you can feel the longing for the "Russian world." This is not surprising, because the Moscow church has been pouring propaganda into them for decades, and they have been happily eating it. But there is a limit to everything. If you feel like a foreign body on Ukrainian soil, then most likely you are, so pack up your bags and get out of here.

Our foundation will no longer set foot in this hotbed of waiting. Instead, I hope that they will be visited by the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

I would like to remind such infusers that you can only wait for a pi...yulin from us, because there has been enough time to understand the truth.

We will continue to help all those who suffered from the Russian world, but not those who called it here," Zozulia wrote.

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  • Стас ДК(llo-stanslav) - Наставник
    29.03.2023 20:52
    Так цих ждунів достатньо багато залишилося. І церква московська, осередок ФСБ та КГБ дійсно їх гуртує. Не розумію доки наш уряд буде з ними панькатись? Пора їх виганяти, щоб не смердів дух "руського миру" на святій Русі, на нашій українській землі.
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