The Armenian national team under the leadership of Alexander Petrakov could not defeat Cyprus (2:2) in a friendly match, but the fans still praise the Ukrainian coach.

“We have to go through a long and difficult path of becoming the national team. To do this, you need to be patient (do not expect to reach the final of Euro 2024), and let the coach work calmly. It is very difficult for Petrakov and the team. The mere fact that the national team is multilingual is already enough. Plus, the coach, and possibly some players, are under pressure from the "patriots" of their countries, etc.," Varvara Harutyunyan.
"Well done, very good coach," Mkhitar Mkrtchyan.
"Bravo Petrakov" Nara Hunanyan.
"We have a great coach," Արտուշ.
“A good specialist, simple, modest, sincerely rejoiced at the goals. But with the replacements of Grant and Bechikchyan, he messed up, ”- Edward Bagdasaryan.
“You can see that he is an organized coach with a strong will and dedication to football. He has a big heart. May his heart be brave and he will be victorious. Mr. Petrakov, please the football fans of Armenia with victories. Let's be optimistic." Valer Sargsyan.
Under the leadership of the Ukrainian specialist, the Armenians played only two matches, but they still did not know the taste of victories. Earlier, the Armenian national team lost to the Turks (1:2) in the selection for Euro 2024.